That’s Disgusting

Humans can be so strange. Mama and I had to be over in the SE today, so we stopped at our usual haunt, Panera, for a quick bite.  We were sitting outside, and after I jumped into mama’s lap (as is my habit) she rewarded me with a piece of yummo mozzarella from her sandwich. …


Purple Puppy in the Pearl

Thanks friends for all of your good wishes for my speedy recovery from the evil foxtail.  Those little suckers are EVIL! My new snazzy purple paw and I had some exploring to do today.  There is an area here in the Pearl District that is almost a street, except that it does not have cars. …


F#*%ing Foxtails

Poor Bogie.  He really has the worst luck when it comes to foxtails. From Wikipedia:  A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its seeds as a unit. Thus, the foxtail is a type of diaspore. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail”, also “spear…


Time for Art

It’s hard to believe that it’s already time for another First Thursday – the art walk day here in Portland.  The weather is still quite hot, so some rolling in dirt was going to be my first stop (and mama thought that by walking for awhile before we started our art walk would tire me…
