Happy Howl-o-Ween!

Hope you all have a great holiday – no costume for me this year (dad says I’ll be embarrassed, mom keeps trying to figure out ways to make it work, I just say that I’m in POODLE costume), but this is an awfully fun photo that mom found today: This is definitely one to click…


RIP Heidi

  Today Heidi – my best Boxer friend and pawsonal trainer – went to the great pawsonal training facility in the sky. We’re all very sad – she was only 2 years old – but happy that she’s not in pain and that she didn’t suffer for a long time with the cancer. So if…


Airedale Cafe

While there are still fires all around SoCal, in the area that I live it’s just really, really smoky. Lots of what looks like fog but it pretty disgusting to breathe in. We wanted to go out today for a nice long walky but wound up doing a short one through Pasadena. Of course the…


SoCal Fire Info for Pet Owners

Thanks to everyone who has been asking… I’m not in any of the fire areas of Los Angeles, so everyone here is OK. The Airechicks just sent me this great info for anyone who IS in those areas, thought I’d pass it along: VCA Animal Hospitals Offers Free Boarding for Pets Affected by Southern California…


Lets Dance

Argh, I’m a bit late in posting this but mom is using that silly “work” excuse again (I don’t see her much during the daytime these days, but s-t-i-l-l…)… Yep it was Sunday, so that means it’s DALE DAY! We started the festivities out with a trip to Good Microbrew with my best buddy Mareike…


The Artist

The park behind our house where I have most of my walkies has been having a little work done.  That’s a good thing, because there are a LOT of dead trees and weird foliage that needs to get cleared out.  Several weeks ago, a team cut down a few trees and just let them roll…



Tonight mom brought home a HUGE tin from work – what could it possibly be?  It smelled awfully tempting, and she was having trouble carrying it by herself.  I wanted to help her open it, but I had to sit  like a good boy while dad got to do the honors…     SAUSAGES!!! Apparently…
