Presented without commentary… Bogart and I found a field of American flags out for the Memorial Day holiday… 1000 flags for 1000 brave souls lost. Respect. Love, Bogart
East Side Adventures
Raining on the Roses
Feeling Clean + Green
Rose-y Nose-y
Preparations are well under-way for the Portland Rose Festival coming up next week: It looks like it’s going to have all sorts of rides, events, and things for the humans to make themselves sick on. I am not much for these sorts of things, they’re usually really crowded and have lots of little children screaming.…
Just Darling
Walk Not, Poop Not
King of Beasts
Pigeons Part Deux
Something odd happened this afternoon. Even the randomly-placed sticks and tree detrius arranged with no particular care around generally-boring pipes leading to holes in the ground noticed it. I was on my midday walkie in the North Park Blocks, like always. Things are green and lovely today – it’s our first real day of spring……