The fun was non-stop today – rather than getting upset at NOT BEING ALLOWED TO POOP before we got into the car, I remembered that yesterday we went right over to Mareike’s, and that’s exactly what happened. We piled into two cars for some special out-of-the-neighborhood trail walking… up by the Hollywood sign! It looks…
Dale Day 2 – Dales in Da House
Dale Day 1 – Butt Shots
Airedale vs. Hose
Mamma Mia
The Light Festival
Gooberstan and Kirbytown
I didn’t know they were delivering mail today… usually at our house the delivery man isn’t that keen to bring up packages, put mail into the right slot, and other assorted aspects of his job. But today I got 2 cards (that look suspiciously like they should have arrived awhile ago…). From Stanley & Stella,…