Int’l Moustache of Mystery

Remember how I told you that someone built a set of stairs going up into MY park? Well, I’ve discovered that there is s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g in there that I want. It’s a pretty hot day here in Los Angeles, but I’m determined… Stay cool this weekend everybody!!! Love, Bogart


Playing Catch Up

Playing Catch Up Ok, so I’m not a human with all of their supposed great mental prowess and all, but even I know that Sunday isn’t Wednesday. The below-pictured fun and frivolity happened this past SUNDAY and today is WEDNESDAY. I wonder who’s fault that could be? We were supposed to go to a new…


The Nose Knows

I first saw this great quiz on Maggie & Mitch’s blog and thought I’d add my own answers… 1. Your age? Super close to 2 years old this August 2. Your age when came to live with your people? 2 months old, still full of milk belly and with my baby fuzz, I flew across…


Week Wrap-Up

As always, I can take absolutely no responsibility for not updating the blog for a few days. We all know who’s fault that is. Yes she’s typing now, but I really feel that if she thinks it’s important enough to drag her butt out to work that surely it must be equally as – if…


Dad is home!!!!!!

I’m soooooooo happy, my dad came home and we picked him up at the aireport!!! I’ve missed him SO MUCH – yes mom and I did some major mama/son bonding while he was away – but there is nothing like having your dad back home on Father’s Day!!! On our morning walkie (the first one…


A Step Up

Ok this won’t mean much to pretty much everyone reading my blog, but for my dad (who is still in Austria) this will be big news — each day when I go for my walkies in the park behind our place usually you would have to practically jump up to the park – it was…


Whatta Day!

Normally I’m not a big fan of Mondays… Mom is always cranky and it seems like things never really go the way they should. Lots of the humans seem to think that Mondays aren’t all that much fun so I just kind of went along with that until… Today. We started out the day by…


Celebrity Tagged

Asta (down under) has tagged me for a celebrity look-alike game… and ya know what, mom for some reason thought this one was easy (she hasn’t been really good at the tagging thing recently, as you may remember). First, me, Bogart Handsome Devil, in typical after-play mode (with lots of stuff stuck to my fantastic…


Fowl Dog My dad is always saying that I’m going to be his “fowl dog” – you know, that someday I’m going to follow him, headfirst into an icy lake, and retrieve the ducks that he shoots.   Like a good, traditional Airedale. Well I must be more of a vegetarian mama’s boy than any of us…


PCC Flea

Yes indeed, that means the Pasadena City College Flea Market!  I LOVE coming to the flea market, you cannot imagine what a captive audience it is for me — apparently these are folks who truly appreciate the finer things in life and love breeds of dog that were popular years ago (ahem, like AIREDALES).  Not…
