Kitty Spliff

OK, mom thinks this is HILARIOUS. Since I’m immune to catnip, I guess I just don’t get it.This was the other gift from her artist friend, David Remfry. The gift for the cats (I still enjoy my Sniffers stuffed toy daily, but I just had to destroy the squeaker, I know he’ll understand…). It’s the…


Bye Bye Aibo

The Sony mechanical dog, Aibo, will cease production in March of this year. I say good riddance. Even tho I would have liked to have been involved in the card game above (I think I could have taken ’em), it’s time to get back to the basics – REAL DOGS! Like me… Love, Bogart


The Silverlake Dog Park and Sweet Sadie

Ah Los Angeles… the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes. Today we’re exploring the flaky end of that spectrum at the Silverlake Dog Park. Yes, it’s a hipster hangout, full of scruffy upper-middle-class white people and their scruffy dogs of inexplicable breed (see my previous post “The California Avocado Dog). Running with abandon, the owners…


The California Avocado Dog

I’ve noticed something. Most of the dogs that I’ve encountered here in Los Angeles look like giant, furry avocados. The shape, I mean. Not necessarily the creamy green avocado goodness. Most doggies are of indeterminate breed (although it’s hilarious when their owners try to tell me what the possibilties are) and a generic size –…


Running on the Weekend

(can you believe this is me? I look like some sort of weird creature, not the extraordinary Airedale that I am…) Lots of walking again – it is the weekend, so I usually get dragged somewhere.Bring on the cell phone pictures!!! The big doggie with me is Zeus – he was up for just a…


Dem Bones

Today dad took me to the butcher shop – he’s been raving for the last two days about making me homemade food (I’m just not a big fan of the canned dog food – how do you all eat that stuff?) and yesterday he made me a “chicken soup for the airedale soul”… chicken pieces…



My mom has a great friend in New York, he’s an artist named David Remfry. He’s one of her very favorite people in the whole world – whenever she talks with him on the phone, they laugh like hyaenas. She used to be one of his models too, I’ve seen the pictures that he drew…
