Xmas Card Fiesta!

WOW! Today I got 7 CARDS!!! Everything in the mailbox was for meeeeeeee! Mom said she was happy that there weren’t any bills for her but I just think that she’s jealous that all the mail was mine. Today I got cards from Cubby and Dakota, Freda Shepherd, Isabella the Poodle, Simba, Holly & the…



I’m a “Friend of Riley”!!! I’ve just joined this cool new online dog park called Riley’s Friends! Yes, it was started by a fellow Airedale so I’m extra proud!!! Join me there!!! Love, Bogart


Catch Me if You Can

Here’s a video of me and Heidi on Thanksgiving… she’s making me work out before the turkey arrives (ok I guess it’s good for my butt and all, but you can clearly see my displeasure at some of her tactics…) http://www.youtube.com/v/mav-DJcG4HI Love, Bogart


Terriers in da House!

More cards for meeeeeeee!!!! Today I got my Xmas card from my terrier buddies, Butchy & Snickers!!! This is the first one I’ve gotten that had a little separate picture inside, which at first I thought must have been something that I could eat.  Alas, mom quickly told me no it wasn’t something to eat…


Turkey Day

Well I am pleased to announce that this year’s Turkey Day was a great success.  No begging was required and the sky rained turkey. When I wasn’t helping (as I always try to do) I was playing with Heidi I do like to be a part of the festivities, and for this holiday that means…


Cards, Cards, Cards!!!!

OHMYGOSH I got my first Xmas cards tonight!!!! Mom waited for me to get home (after my training day) and she had a few envelopes addressed to meeeee!  First I went into the office to make sure that she had been diligently working all day on MY cards (yup, looks good to me) then it…


Workin’ for a Livin’

As you can see, mom is working hard on my Christmas cards for the Dogs with Blogs Xmas Card Exchange… I have her well trained, she’s shackled to the computer until they are DONE.  I noticed when I gave her a little wiggle room she just didn’t work as hard as I thought she should…


Dog Day at Rally Burger

I’ve been a really good boy this week.  I’ve worked out every single day with my pawsonal trainer Heidi.  I’m getting all muscle-y.  I’m what mom has been saying – “A tired Airedale is a happy Airedale”.  So mom thought it might be time for a treat. For both of us – ok, I can…



Ok I’m not gonna pretend that this time it was mom’s fault that I haven’t written.  I tell ya – I’m getting an incredible workout with my new pawsonal trainer Heidi (the Boxer)!  Every day when I come home – after running up and down that hill and playing various stick games designed to sharpen…
