A Man and His Bones

Hm… wait… vague memories… yes, coming back to me now… BONES!!!  Must be for me… too big for cats, too carnivorous for the mama-vegetarian. Beef Marrow Bone.  Now we’re talkin’. Oh sweet marrow bone, how I have longed for you for so very long.  The mama-vegetarian is really quite bad at this buying meat thing,…


Hot and Hairy Passions

This is the first video from the folks behind the Clean+Green sprays… It made mama laugh – all I could see were kitties fighting (and hey, I see that at home all the time!).  And all of the Clean+Green sprays we’ve tried (the carpet and upholstery one, the litter box one, and the furniture refresher…


Airedale Art Critic

So… we are supposed to head over to the waterfront to see some new interactive art-thingy.  Apparently mama is still a bit confused, because we crossed over to the other side of the bridge from where it was happening.  See those floaty things?  I sure do. They have caught my attention and mesmerized me even…


Unconditional Love

Everybody needs LOVE. Humans often talk about unconditional love, and how we dogs and cats are good at that.  I consider myself a top-tier provider of love for my mama, but well, I do have conditions. I like my food homemade, my grooming occasional (but enough so that I maintain my rugged outdoorsman look that’s…


In Your Eyes

For Klaus… love Lulu “In Your Eyes”  Peter Gabriel love I get so lost, sometimes days pass and this emptiness fills my heart when I want to run away I drive off in my car but whichever way I go I come back to the place you are all my instincts, they return the grand…


Go Go Goaties, Watch Them Go Go Go

Hey…. Goats!!!  Goatie-Goatie-Goaties!!!  Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Goats!!! There they are! And the horses too!  We had some extra rice left over from a batch of gumbo that dad made… and it had formed into a sort of rice-cake.  So we cut it up into wedges, and… Both of the horses seemed to enjoy it, as did the nubian…
