
2009 – I hate you.  Throw-myself-on-the-floor-and-kick-and-scream-and-throw-a-tantrum-and-show-the-entire-world-my-butt-for-eternity-kind-of-hate.  It usually takes me a few weeks to remember to start writing the new year on checks, papers, etc. but I can promise you that I will have no such problems remembering that you are gone this time around.  Not that you promised much, but you took away so very much.  Almost everything.  Almost my sanity.

And to the universe:  You can continue to kick me all you want.  Ultimately what will happen is that you will kick me harder and harder and I will get stronger and stronger.  Despite your best efforts and excellent aim, I’m still here, you bastard.  Maybe pick on someone your own size in 2010?

To my friends all around the world – thank you for caring even when I didn’t, thank you for keeping me alive even when I hoped not to be.

To my cats, the furry guardians of my soul, your warmth and willingness to sit on my lap at all hours of the day or night and not flinch when my tears rained down upon your heads, sometimes was the only warmth during some very cold days.

To my best friend in the entire world Bogart Handsome Devil, to call you just my dog does you a huge disservice.  Your ever-ready-ness to explore the world and your endless curiosity continue on the fine tradition that Klaus taught you (he would be PROUD).  I learn something new either from you or because of you every day.

And to Klaus.  I miss you, husband-o.




15 thoughts on “A Love Letter to 2009”

  1. Blessings, Lulu! May Peace and Light be with you, Bogart and your kitties. You are in our hearts. We LOVE you.

    Bel, Nata and Greg

  2. Wishing you a good year to come. You have many friends out here in the internet. Your blog is on my favorites list because I love your Boggie, your adventures with him, your wit and your courage to survive. I had a dog when I was young, and told him all my secrets and he helped me survive, so I know how precious a dog can be. I have a cat that has been with me through thick and thin, and for several years it has been pretty thin. As we both get older, I think we appreciate each other more and more. She is sitting near me, being a loaf, and half in her zen state. The world is safe for me, as I know Bogart makes it safe for you.
    Never fear, Klaus. Boggie’s taking good care of your sweet Lulu.

  3. I don’t believe that he would be proud–I know that he is…

    The best of everything in this new year-just a few hours away for those of us on the west coast.


    Moses and Zipporah, Peter and Sherri

  4. Lulu, and Bogie, and the cats,

    If our magic wand is working, yoo are abowt to have a wonderful New Year. Yoo deserve a break for being so brave, and determined in the face of a shitty year. We love yoo all and wan’t the best for yoo.

    New Year smoochies from us.

  5. To Lulu and to Bogart, all our wishes for a new year full of peace, love, happiness, serenity. Your Klaus remains in our prayers.

  6. We wish you and Bogie and the catses a new year that is happier than you expect, and enough peace to fill your hearts and overflow to your many friends.

    gussie n teka

  7. Happy New Year to Bogart and Bogart’s mommy!
    The Ps and I love your blog!! I know 2010 will bring new good

  8. Happy New Year to Bogart and Bogart’s mommy!
    The Ps and I love your blog!! I know 2010 will bring new good
    adventures to both of you!!

  9. Dear, sweet Lulu, it probably won’t be too long now, before I have to go through losing my husband and I hope I can do it with the grace and fortitude that you did. You have made us all proud to be your cyber friend! We know that Bogie will take good care of you and we are sure that 2010 will be a much better year for all of you.

    Lana and the 3 P’s

  10. Dear Lulu & handsome Bogie (I got your steamy kissies via fb *blushing*),

    I hope 2010 will be nicer to you both, you deserve it. 2009 was a bitch, but like you said, you both came out stronger. At the same time, 2009 brought your bond with each other to new heights. Keep fighting, we’ll be behind you as you recover, and even if full recovery is not possible, we will still always be behind you two!

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  11. I cry tears for you today. Your blog has made me laugh and smile and I thank you.

    I don’t know much about you and I’m sorry you had a crappy year.
    I pray 2010 is very joyful for you. That’s my mantra, please feel free to borrow.

    Thank you again for making happiness in the rest of our lives.
    Julie and company

  12. The “arrows of outrageous fortune” that pierced your soul lead the pack of reasons we hate 2009 too.

    2010 has a roundness to it that offers hope!

    With wirey terrier love,

    Jake and Just Harry

  13. We think that at the beginning of Time, the “big guy” assigned every human yet to be born a personal watch-dog. You got Bogart. You were both so lucky. Klaus must be smiling.

    May your New Year bring joy,

    Buster, Sephie & Bailey

  14. Amen, glad that horrendous year is over, this one has to be better, it has NO CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish you the best this year Cyber friends. Hang in the Lulu!

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