I have done something… SPECIAL

My plastic squeaky steak needs to be protected.  I have no use for it right now, nor do I play with it that often.  But yet, I do not wish for it to be destroyed during the coming rainy season.  So I have the perfect city dog solution…

That’s right – I dug a hole and carefully placed the plastic squeaky steak inside.  I haven’t covered it yet (I haven’t really mastered the art of covering holes, just digging them) but perhaps some kind human will do that for me.  So in springtime, when the flowers bloom and the birds are singing, I can once again find my beloved squeaky plastic steak.

I tried to bring mama over to the hole so that she could see it, and perhaps be the human who would help to complete me in my canine quest.

And then got totally distracted by playing with my sticks.  Ah well – the plastic steak shall survive!



Chez Bogart


One thought on “City Dog”

  1. Bogie
    You awe so clevew..I hope youw hoomans help you so you can have the fun of finding youw Plastic steak in the spwing..I can just imagine the wondewful suwpwise when you do…You awe an excellent diggew
    smoochie kisses

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