
I’m a city dog.  I’ve wandered through the concrete jungles of Los Angeles, Portland, New York, and Philadelphia.  While I have seen cows from the window of a moving car, I don’t get the chance to see them up close and personal.  Until today.  And I do NOT trust them. It does appear that these…


Dogs With Blogs 2010 Tour

My greatest dream has now come true.  I have met and have been expertly rubbed by Brooke and Greg, the founders of Dogs With Blogs!!! I wondered why we were walking across the Burnside Bridge this morning, and it turns out that they were staying at the Jupiter Hotel and we were off to welcome…


Spot the Airedale

I have found the single most wonderful place to crash on a hot day when mama has forgotten to put on my cooling vest because it didn’t seem to be “that hot” outside. A place where a boy can collect his thoughts, and his pine cones. Surrounded by lovely blue flowers that provide both shade…


A Week’s Worth

Of fun, frivolity, and baking hot sun that is. Continued testing with the cooling vest has been nothing short of a complete success – longer walkies have been accomplished and more precious cones have been gathered. See? We also swung through the early Bastille Day celebration here in the Pearl District – not much for…


Cool Cool Cool… Places

We’ve havin’ a heatwave… an atypical tropical heatwave… And mama has been worried about my ability to keep cool in the face of extreme temperatures (well, extreme for Portland that is).  So a few days ago, she spent almost an hour in the REI store picking out a new cooling vest for me.  First she…


Pearl-s of Wisdom

Mama broke her toe the other day… the little pinkie one, the one that should really be the least important one yet when it’s large and purple it’s really the most important one.  I too have stubbed my fuzzy toes before and remember that yes it does hurt but that’s no reason why we shouldn’t…


Bus-ting a Move

Well, here is something you don’t see everyday in Portland: A big, red double-decker bus.  And people were getting on.  So I decided that I would as well.  However the crabby gal with the clipboard wouldn’t let me on.  I turned on the charm, and mama did her best (which usually gets us into places)…


Spreading the Love

I love you mama… I mean, not all the time, there are occasionally some things you do that make me a little crazy or a little annoyed, there have been times when I wanted to go one way and you wanted to go another, and those times when I wanted to sniff a cute doggie’s…


Beating the Heat

It seems to strange to complain about the heat (when I’ve most recently complained that it has been raining non-stop for months) but this sudden jump to the 80 degree mark is putting a cramp in my walkie-style. Mama and I both are feeling it – even though I got a major hair strip in…
