I’m feelin’ spry, far less wild and wooly than only a day ago.  Had my first haire-pulling of the year.  We do it in bits, to maintain my rugged individualist look as well as not piss me off too much by doing too much pulling for too long.  Today we got two heads worth!  (Mama measures how much we take off by heads – basically think of a hairball the size of a human’s head).

See how it moves – far more streamlined.

And the first bits to take down my ‘stache and beard.  Gives me more of a Dale face.

And the piece de resistance, my tail.  It was looking quite poodle-ish, a large, wooly pompom.  Now it’s more fitting of my fine stump.

More to come…




2 thoughts on “Spring’s First Hairecut”

  1. Bogie, we are so thrilled to see bright new gorgeful YOU emerging from that cloud of wild AireFuzz. Of course, we LUV you in full fluffy winter coat, too. We just always LUV you. There. We said it!

    Bel (and ma Nata)

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