Twas an interesting week for me and mama – but somehow she “forgot” to blog for me.  Lets be honest here, she didn’t forget.  She just got lazy.  We’ve had some great walks, there was a special bagel morning, and today I even got recognized on the street!

Apparently she feels bad about this.  So I feel it necessary to take advantage of her feeling guilty.  I’d like some extra treats and an extra kiss for two.


Yes, I think two will do…





5 thoughts on “Missing in Action”

  1. Auwwww, how sweet, Bogie! And we like your mama’s new hair color, too. Well, come on, give her more kisses, she soooo deserves them!!! 😆


  2. Hi there Bogart! Mom told me all about meeting you today…and she even told me that you gave her a little kiss. I hope you didn’t mind her making a fuss over you. I think you’d like my woofie sister Grete.

    Purrs, Cory

  3. We agree with Andy…your mom looks lovely in her new hair color, and you need to throw in a few extra kisses for the next time you want to drag a really BIG stick or pine cone home.


  4. Hi Bogart. We stops over from Cory’s site. We hears you gots to meet Grete’s mom. How cool is that?
    I think this means you are a celebratee now! Next thing you knows the pava-ratties will starts following you around.
    Was nice to see your site! Hasa grate week.

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