A Dale Near a Manger

So today I was doing my normal morning walkie through Old City, when I SMELLED SOMETHING. Mama wasn’t sure why I decided to go in a new direction, and quite honestly, neither was I. But I knew that I had to get to the bottom of that smell. So we wandered further up Race Street,…


First Friday Beads

First Friday is always fun – except for when the streets are so hot you can fry an egg on them.  Today is really SO DAMN HOT with a mixture of heat and humidity, I had to do repeat visits to my favorite doggie stores just to soak up a little aire-conditioning. But I digress. …


Iron Butterfly

Look at that… up in the sky… it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no… It’s butterflies made out of old soda cans. Pretty darned cool, eh?  Saw them on our way to watch the Pride Parade today.  Happy Pride Month everyone – Lots of rainbow lovin’ all around! Love, Bogart


Walking with Ben

Ben Franklin, that is.  We’re going to go see his “house”. But first I’ve gotta let everyone know that I’ve been here – sign the guestbook, as it were. Very cool indeed.  Large metal structures that show where Ben’s house was – without the pesky upkeep.  Lots of history here, Ben was quite a guy.…


Stop the Pigeon…

In walking around Old City tonight, mama and I stumbled onto this scene: We walk past here all of the time, and it’s usually an empty lot.  The chair caught mama’s attention, but the pigeons caught mine. Ah, it’s art. You could have fooled me.  I was pretty intent on getting at some of those…


So Very Civilized

Well, well, well… you just NEVER KNOW what you’re going to see when you’re out on a walkie… Still hot. But what is this? OH HELL YEAH, the troughs that hold water for the horses that cart around tourists also have a handy-dandy fountain for dogs.  Absolutely brilliant.  I’m liking this city more and more.…


New Times in Old City

Ice, Ice, Baby… (dum dum dum dum da da dum dum) I was first attracted to the leaking bags because, well, anything leaking on the street gets my attention.  But.. just bags of ice.  A bunch of humans seemed to be planning some sort of party to which I apparently wasn’t invited.  Silly fools, don’t…


Me and My Shadow

There is something ominous in the streets of Philadelphia… all you have to do is look up – yep, it’s a trash bag in a tree. And that’s not the only thing that is worth looking up for – look!  It’s MY SHADOW It’s been awhile since it was lovely enough outside to catch me…
