Sixty Degrees

Well holy crapamole, the best time of the year has finally arrived.  This morning when I went out for my first walkie of the day I was pleased as punch to discover that it was a whopping 60 degrees outside.  For those of you without luscious pelts like myself, you may enjoy the heat and…


Poodle Legs

Having to go to the hospital stinks. Especially when something out of the ordinary happens. On Tuesday night, mama came home to see me unable to walk.  I tried to run to see her at the door, but couldn’t really stand.  It was really scary for both of us!!!  So immediately we went off to…



Nothing says “autumn” like the Spiderman Scarecrow that shows up every year here in Center City. Each year, someone goes to all of the trouble to put this scarecrow up – his wardrobe changes from year to year, but the Spiderman head is a staple. Spidey is a little worse for wear this time around.…


Autumn is AWESOME

 This is probably my favorite season.  Autumn is awesome all around – it’s cooler, none of that crappy humidity, and LEAVES Oh, and sticks too. Lots and lots of tasty sticks.  Everywhere the eye can see.  All over the park.  Especially the big, manly ones. Oh mama, don’t think you can try any funny business. …


Welcome Autumn!

Goodbye summer… time for a season change… Gimme that leaf… I said GIMME Thank you.  I need this one to celebrate the changing of the seasons.  To do my special dance.  Ah heck, I’M GONNA EAT IT Ah Mt. Tabor park… the nicest extinct volcano I’ve ever peed on… The trees here are just so…
