Where’s Heidi?

Dad and I have been going over almost every day to Heidi’s house… and she ISN’T THERE!  I look around and around and around and haven’t found her. I have done major toy redistribution and reassignment and still NO HEIDI. Dad said something about Heidi and her dad and mom going to Florida for a…


New Years Resolutions

Yes I know I’m a bit late to the party with this, having been tagged by my dreamgirl Sunshade awhile ago, but hey, most humans have already broken their resolutions by now! 1. I resolve to post much more regularly than I have been doing lately. No excuse from mom will be tolerated any more.…


He’s Back!

Wow, almost a WHOLE WEEK with no one taking pictures of me… that was surreal. Believe it or not, mom finally found the camera card and guess where it was? It had fallen behind the overflowing laundry basket (I told you mom…. if you’d just let me get those extra panties and socks out of…



Well 2007 started off with a BANG for me last night… at exactly 12:00 mom and I were watching the ball drop on TV and then B-O-O-M – the shooting started.  Yes folks, here in Los Angeles people actually shoot guns into the air to celebrate stuff.  I was only starting to get my head…
