I was at the vet today to get a checkup. Mom told me we were going, okay no big deal, so we got strapped into the car and we went.

There were so many other doggies and kitties there it was crazy! But all of them were making noise, trying to run away, being mean to the other doggies and kitties.

Not me.

I just sat on dad’s lap. I was tired. This was my usual morning nap time.

So it was great when they called my name and I could go into the exam room. I laid down on the exam table to catch a little rest when the vet came in to examine me. Yawn! Go ahead, I thought, poke and prod. I’ll just sleep.

They weighed me – I’m 9.3 pounds today – and again said how cute I was (I can get used to this). Then I decided to sleep again (why are they all laughing at me?) when the vet came back in and touched me again. No big deal.

I only figured out after we’d left and got back into the car that the vet had stuck me with some big needle while I was sleeping. So I don’t even know if it hurt!

I love being a puppy!!!



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