Non Blizz-aire-d

Geez.  The humans were so upset about a storm that was supposed to dump feet of snow here in Philadelphia – um, no. The winds, did however bring down a LOT of tasty sticks.  For which I am grateful. GIMME GIMME GIMME Stick after stick after stick, getting in my jumping practice as well as…


Autumn is AWESOME

 This is probably my favorite season.  Autumn is awesome all around – it’s cooler, none of that crappy humidity, and LEAVES Oh, and sticks too. Lots and lots of tasty sticks.  Everywhere the eye can see.  All over the park.  Especially the big, manly ones. Oh mama, don’t think you can try any funny business. …


Schuylkill Stickwork

Oh mighty Schuylkill River… you try to steal my fantastic sticks, but I cannot let this happen. I shall rescue this one from your water-y clutches… And drag it back safely to shore… Into as much mud as possible… OH YEAH.  I have saved this stick from a life of wandering along the currents, and…


I’m Walkin…

 Yes, indeed And I’m lookin’… for a place to pee And I’m hopin’… that you’ll throw that stick to meeeeeeee! (feel free to insert your own musical interlude here – flight of the bumblebee, perhaps?) Oh yeah.  My work here is done. Love, Bogart


Jaunty Shadow Dancer

Mama is obsessed with my shadow.  Obsessed, I tell ya! When we happen to be out at just the right time, with just the right light, she goes nuts.  Picture upon picture upon picture.  She’s a little bit crazy (perhaps you already noticed that), but I do indulge her from time to time.  Today is…


Bogart’s Golden Hour

Ah, the Golden Hour approaches, and we are going to be in the right place at the right time for some superb Dale photography…  This is the new Race St. Pier here in Philadelphia.  What was once a crappy old pier is now an urban park with super-cool vistas. So come along with me –…



Most days, this is what my front door looks like.  An assorted pile of sticks that I have brought home from my daily travels.  I like it this way – if I decide to take a stick with me it is waiting for me, and if I don’t then I know exactly where I left…



Mama has a few days off from that “work” thing she goes to on a regular basis – happiness for me because now rather than the paltry 2 1-hour walks per day I am in a position to demand at least 3. Really, could you resist this face? Yeah, we have been saddling up for…
