Haire Cuttery

While I prefer the wild-and-wooly-wildman look, some times things just have to be done.  DAMN YOU HEAT OF SUMMER.  As you may recall, I am not a huge fan of the clippers and will let no other humans touch me other than mama, so hairecuts are a very interesting time.  I usually allow mama a…


Hot Dog to HOT DAMN

Heat. And humidity. Damn, it’s getting warm again here in Philadelphia. Not sure how I’m going to get through another summer in the city.  After a stroll around Rittenhouse Square Park for the art fair, I may just pull up some nice, cool concrete and wait to cross the street until that light turns green.…


Spring’s First Hairecut

I’m feelin’ spry, far less wild and wooly than only a day ago.  Had my first haire-pulling of the year.  We do it in bits, to maintain my rugged individualist look as well as not piss me off too much by doing too much pulling for too long.  Today we got two heads worth!  (Mama…
