Check me out – I’ve just done an interview for the PetAg blog – leave me a comment there or “like” my interview on their Facebook page and I can win some cool stuff!

Uh, thank you very much (said in my best Elvis voice)…




4 thoughts on “I’m on the Blog!”

  1. Hooray Bogart!!! We are two lovely Aire girls from way down Mexico Way and we say go for all the glory you can get….esp. if it will rake in the treats!!! You are the MAN!!

  2. Dear Bogie, we sure did both: left a comment and “liked”. Only it all disappeared, so we really don’t know whether it did any good or not. But you are still a STAR. No, make it a SUPAHSTAR!!!

    Bel (and ma’n’pa)

  3. Way to go Bogart!! YOu are THE MAN!!! Us Mexican Dales get lots of Airedmiration everyday…..our humans are taking us camping along the Caribbean Coast and then up to the Northwest Mountains of Guatemala….but we will be following your posts all the way!!!

    Loli and Fabiola (Two HOt Airedale chics)

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