I love you mama…

I mean, not all the time, there are occasionally some things you do that make me a little crazy or a little annoyed, there have been times when I wanted to go one way and you wanted to go another, and those times when I wanted to sniff a cute doggie’s butt and you pulled me away, and the times when I wanted to fight with some other doggies and you put a stop to that, and the times that you’ve embarrassed me in public by kissing me a little too much, and of course there is the ongoing issue of you hugging me just a little too much, and sometimes my dinner is late because you forget to turn on the crockpot, and occasionally my tiger blanket isn’t in exactly the place that I want it to sleep on…

Just kidding – I LOVE YOU MAMA

No, seriously.  I LOVE YOU MAMA.  No matter what.  We’re a team.  The Gruesome Twosome (plus 5, but nothing is really as catchy when trying to go along with Seven-some).  Thanks for all the adventures…




2 thoughts on “Spreading the Love”

  1. AWWWWWW so sweet!
    There is nothing like that love of a dog, huh LuLu?
    They make you feel like a million dollars, when you feel like 2 cents.
    Man’s Best Friend indeed!

  2. Bogie, what an absolutely bootiful post!!! Me LUVS every letter and every picture. Me can see you really, REALLY LUV your mama, and your mama really REALLY LUVS you. And me luvs youSome, both TwoSome and SevenSome.

    Biggedest tail wags and AireSmooches to allSomes,

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