Gas prices… crazy, huh?  Mama has been complaining a lot about how much it costs to get back and forth to her work.  My answer – beautiful in it’s simplicity – was that she just shouldn’t go to work anymore, and spend her entire days entertaining me.  Alas, from what I understand no one will pay her unless she goes in to work, so as I do like to eat I suppose she has to go.

So she’s made some changes.  Rather than taking her car to work everyday she is taking the bus.  Being a good boy, I wanted to walk her to the bus stop in the morning, in case there are any hooligans or ruffians – Nobody messes with my mama!!! – so we all walked to the bus stop… and we waited.

And waited.

Uh wait… what’s that?  Is that the bus, huh mama?

I think I see it coming… aw shucks, it’s going to take mama away for the day again.  Ah well, I know she’s out bringing home the bacon (literally and figuratively) so it’s ok with me.

Very different from the Bogie-mobile.

BYE MAMA – have as good of a day as you can without me!!!




4 thoughts on “Bussing It”

  1. Bogie
    I bet youw Mama would wathew stay home wif you too..
    But Bacon sounds nice..yummmmm
    I hope she comes back wif that bus soon?
    ummBogie, how awe you getting home once you walked youw Mama safely to the bus??
    love and smoochie kisses
    pee ess..we love the way youw Mama looks

  2. HEY Bogart you are a great looking dale your self. Love your blog. Sorry it took so long to reply to your comment. But as you know puppies can Mom to be a kittle busy.
    Love & HUGS

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